THE UNOFFICIAL TM FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BBBB LLLL 55555555555 FFFFFFFFFFFFF III EEEEEEEEEEEEE BBBBB LLLLL 55555555555 FFFFFFFFFFFF III EEEE EEEEE BBBBBB LLLLLL 55555555555 FFFF FFFF I EEEE EEEE BBBB LLLL 5555 FFFF FFF I EEEE EEE BBBB LLLL 5555 FFFF FF III RRRR RRRR EEEEE EEEE EE MMMM MM MM MMMM BBBB BBBB LLLL EEEEE MMMM MM MM MMMM 5555 5555 FFFF III RRRRRRRRRRR EEEEEEE EEEE E MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBBBBBBBB LLLL EEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 5555555555 FFFF III RRRRRRRRRRR EEEE EEE EEEEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBBB BBBB LLLL EEEE EEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 55555555555 FFFFFFFFFF III R RRR RRRR EEEE EE EEEEEEEEE MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM BBBB BBBB LLLL EEEE EE MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM 55555 55555 FFFFFFFFF III RRR RRR EEEEEEEEEE EEEE E MMM MMM MMM BBBB BBBB LLLL EEEEEEEEEE MMM MMM MMM 5555 5555 FFF III RRR RR EEEEEEEEEE EEEE EE MMM MMM MMM BBBB BBBB LLLL EEEEEEEEEE MMM MMM MMM 5555 FFF III RRR R EEEE EEEE EEE MMM MMM MMM BBBB BBBB LLLL EEEE MMM MMM MMM 5555 5555 FFF III RRR EEEE E EEEE EEEE MMM MMM MMM BBBB BBBB LLLL EEEE E MMM MMM MMM 5555 5555 FFF III RRR EEEE EE EEEE EEEEE MMM MMM MMM BBBBB BBBB LLLL EEEE EE MMM MMM MMM 5555 5555 FFFFFFFFF IIIIIII RRRRRRR EEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEE MMM MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBB LLLLLL EEEEEEE MMM MMM MMM 5555 5555 FFFFFFF IIIII RRRRR EEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEE MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM BBBBBBBB LLLLLLLL EEEEE MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM 555555 TTTTTT H H RRR A CCCC IIII A 7777777 7777777 6666 TT H H R R A A CC CC II A A 77 77 6 TT HHHH RRR AAAAA CC II AAAAA 77 77 66666 TT H H R R AA AA CC CC II AA AA 77 77 6 6 TT H H R R AA AA CCCC IIII AA AA 77 77 6666 PRO ACTION PLAY CODE GUIDE The Unofficial Fire Emblem 5:Thracia 776 Pro Action Play Code Guide Version 0.1a - By Tyummk Fire Emblem 5 and Fire Emblem Thracia 776 is a trademark of Intellegent Systems and NINTENDO.Made in 1996. This FAQ can be freely used just as long as you keep everything here don't change it.I also have Fire Emblem 4 The Genealogy of the Holy War Pro Action Play Code. And by the way you should go to: to get Fire Emblem 5 or Fire Emblem Thracia 776. You can visit my website at (Home of the Bahamut Lagoon Walkthrough).E-mail me at Note: When this FAQ is completed this will be a detailed faq.So expect good things to happen.^-~ Last Update: December 29 2000 1.a (Beta Version) FAQ 1.a Beta Version-So Far Most of the Character and the whole Fire Emblem 5 Item List is done. There could be a few errors.Since I have encountered some and changed the code to its correct form. More will be added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tables of Contents Hex and Decimals Conversion List A.Characters 1.Health Points 2.Weapons 3.Stats 4.Level of Weapon 5.Skill 6.Personal Data 7.Level/Experience B.Enemy Conversion Item List 1.Enemy Codes(To edit their items) 2.The Items C.Enemy Stats 1.HP 2.Weapons 3.Stats 4.Movement 5.Level of Weapon D.Misc 1.Weird Effects 2.Good and Bad Effects 3.Fire Emblem 5 Code Database 4.Wish to Find List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hex and Decimals Conversion List If you already know how to put values in the code then skip this.As for the beginners..hmm...Check here if you want to know what each value equals. 00=0 10=16 20=32 30=48 40=64 50=80 60=96 70=112 80=128 90=144 A0=160 B0=176 C0=192 D0=208 E0=224 F0=240 01=1 11=17 21=33 31=49 41=65 51=81 61=97 71=113 81=129 91=145 A1=161 B1=177 C1=193 D1=209 E1=225 F1=241 02=2 12=18 22=34 32=50 42=66 52=82 62=98 72=114 82=130 92=146 A2=162 B2=178 C2=194 D2=210 E2=226 F2=242 03=3 13=19 23=35 33=51 43=67 53=83 63=99 73=115 83=131 93=147 A3=163 B3=179 C3=195 D3=211 E3=227 F3=243 04=4 14=20 24=36 34=52 44=68 54=84 64=100 74=116 84=132 94=148 A4=164 B4=180 C4=196 D4=212 E4=228 F4=244 05=5 15=21 25=37 35=53 45=69 55=85 65=101 75=117 85=133 95=149 A5=165 B5=181 C5=197 D5=213 E5=229 F5=245 06=6 16=22 26=38 36=54 46=70 56=86 66=102 76=118 86=134 96=150 A6=166 B6=182 C6=198 D6=214 E6=230 F6=246 07=7 17=23 27=39 37=55 47=71 57=87 67=103 77=119 87=135 97=151 A7=167 B7=183 C7=199 D7=215 E7=231 F7=247 08=8 18=24 28=40 38=56 48=72 58=88 68=104 78=120 88=136 98=152 A8=168 B8=184 C8=200 D8=216 E8=232 F8=248 09=9 19=25 29=41 39=57 49=73 59=89 69=105 79=121 89=137 99=153 A9=169 B9=185 C9=201 D9=217 E9=233 F9=249 0A=10 1A=26 2A=42 3A=58 4A=74 5A=90 6A=106 7A=122 8A=138 9A=154 AA=170 BA=186 CA=202 DA=218 EA=234 FA=250 0B=11 1B=27 2B=43 3B=59 4B=75 5B=91 6B=107 7B=123 8B=139 9B=155 AB=171 BB=187 CB=203 DB=219 EB=235 FB=251 0C=12 1C=28 2C=44 3C=60 4C=76 5C=92 6C=108 7C=124 8C=140 9C=156 AC=172 BC=188 CC=204 DC=220 EC=236 FC=252 0D=13 1D=29 2D=45 3D=61 4D=77 5D=93 6D=109 7D=125 8D=141 9D=157 AD=173 BD=189 CD=205 DD=221 ED=237 FD=253 0E=14 1E=30 2E=46 3E=62 4E=78 5E=94 6E=110 7E=126 8E=142 9E=158 AE=174 BE=190 CE=206 DE=222 EE=238 FE=254 0F=15 1F=31 2F=47 3F=63 4F=79 5F=95 6F=111 7F=127 8F=143 9F=159 AF=175 BF=191 CF=207 DF=223 EF=239 FF=255 Now do you know some or most of the hex values and what numbers they are converted to?If not look at it again.If so then lets go to the characters section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.Characters One Thing you should know about charcter editing is that what order the values are edited. 00-Experience 01-Current HP 02-Max HP 03-Strength 04-Magic 05-Skill 06-Speed 07-Defense 08-Luck 09-Body 10-Movement 11-Leader Ship 12-Effect Causes 00=Normal 01=Sleep 02=Berserk 03=Poison 04=Silence 05=Stone 13-Add Bonus Stat to Magic 14-Same as 12 I think 15-Same as 12 I think 16-Mobility 17-Effects The Section that is under the "Personal Data". 18-Same as 16. 19-Add Skills!! 20-Changes Skill!!! 21-Same as 19 But Alternate Skills 22-Changes Your Weapon/Item First Slot 23-Quanity of your Weapon/Item First Slot 24-Changes Your Weapon/Item Second Slot 25-Quanity of your Weapon/Item Second Slot 26-Changes Your Weapon/Item Third Slot 27-Quanity of your Weapon/Item Third Slot 28-Changes Your Weapon/Item Fourth Slot 29-Quanity of your Weapon/Item Fourth Slot 30-Changes Your Weapon/Item Fifth Slot 31-Quanity of your Weapon/Item Fifth Slot 32-Changes Your Weapon/Item Sixth Slot 33-Quanity of your Weapon/Item Sixth Slot 34-Changes Your Weapon/Item Seventh Slot 35-Quanity of your Weapon/Item Seventh Slot 36-Edits your sword weapon type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 37-Edits your spear weapon type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 38-Edits your axe weapon type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 39-Edits your bow weapon type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 40-Edits your rod weapon type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 41-Edits your fire magic type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 42-Edits your thunder magic type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 42-Edits your wind magic type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 43-Edits your light magic type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A 44-Edits your dark magic type 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A Note:Past This is Only Unchanged Effects if you find any changes after the 36th Character Effect E-mail me at So like from Character 1's current HP (7E52A1**) and you want to edit your speed just add the A1 in 7E52A1** by 06 and you get 7E52A7**. Hint:To add the value look in the Hex and Decimal Conversion List. Now Here's Comes the Fun Part!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Health Points You will see symbols like these ** during the faq.These symbols represents where to put the value in.If you don't know what numbers equal what then look at the The Hex to Decimals Conversion List. Character 1: Character 1's Current HP: 7E52A1** Character 1's Max HP: 7E52A2** Character 2: Character 2's Current HP: 7E52E2** Character 2's Max HP: 7E52E3** Character 3: Character 3's Current HP: 7E5323** Character 3's Max HP: 7E5324** Character 4: Character 4's Current HP: 7E5428** Character 4's Max HP: 7E5427** Character 5: Character 5's Current HP: 7E53E7** Character 5's Max HP: 7E53E8** Character 6: Character 6's Current HP: 7E5469** Character 6's Max HP: 7E5468** Character 7: Character 7's Current HP: 7E5364** Character 7's Max HP: 7E5365** Character 8: Character 8's Current HP: 7E53A6** Character 8's Max HP: 7E53A5** I only have 8 characters right now so if I meet more I will put them up here with their HP codes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Weapons If you want to have the same weapon instead of having it broken that can never be repaired (The Repair Staff can repair weapons but only 5 times) and getting a different weapon by capturing an enemy (You can get an even better weapon with my Enemy Conversion Item List).Works with items also.Also if you want your item converted I can do that for you.^-^ Note: Make sure you place your weapons by slot order or it will crash.Each character can hold up to 7 items. WC=Weapon Change Q=Quanity of Weapon S=Slot Unit 1's Weapons: WCS1:7E52B7** QS1:7E52B8** WCS2:7E52B9** QS2:7E52BA** WCS3:7E52BB** QS3:7E52BC** WCS4:7E52BD** QS4:7E52BE** WCS5:7E52BF** QS5:7E52C0** WCS6:7E52C1** QS6:7E52C2** WCS7:7E52C3** QS7:7E52C4** Unit 2's Weapons: WCS1:7E52F8** QS1:7E52F9** WCS2:7E52FA** QS2:7E52FB** WCS3:7E52FC** QS3:7E52FD** WCS4:7E52FE** QS4:7E52FF** WCS5:7E5300** QS5:7E5301** WCS6:7E5302** QS6:7E5303** WCS7:7E5304** QS7:7E5305** Unit 3's Weapons: WCS1:7E5339** QS1:7E533A** WCS2:7E533B** QS2:7E533C** WCS3:7E533D** QS3:7E533E** WCS4:7E533F** QS4:7E5340** WCS5:7E5341** QS5:7E5342** WCS6:7E5343** QS6:7E5344** WCS7:7E5345** QS7:7E5346** Unit 4's Weapons: WCS1:7E547E** QS1:7E547F** WCS2:7E5480** QS2:7E5481** WCS3:7E5482** QS3:7E5483** WCS4:7E5484** QS4:7E5485** WCS5:7E5486** QS5:7E5487** WCS6:7E5488** QS6:7E5489** WCS7:7E548A** QS3:7E548B** Unit 5's Weapons: WCS1:7E537A** QS1:7E537B** WCS2:7E537C** QS2:7E537D** WCS3:7E537E** QS3:7E537F** WCS4:7E5380** QS4:7E5381** WCS5:7E5382** QS5:7E5383** WCS6:7E5384** QS6:7E5385** WCS7:7E5386** QS7:7E5387** Unit 6's Weapons: WCS1:7E53BB** QS1:7E53BC** WCS2:7E53BD** QS2:7E53BE** WCS3:7E53BF** QS3:7E53C0** WCS4:7E54C1** QS4:7E53C2** WCS5:7E53C3** QS5:7E53C4** WCS6:7E53C5** QS5:7E53C6** WCS7:7E53C7** QS7:7E53C8** Unit 7's Weapons: WCS1:7E53FC** QS1:7E53FD** WCS2:7E53FE** QS2:7E53FF** WCS3:7E5400** QS3:7E5401** WCS4:7E5402** QS4:7E5403** WCS5:7E5404** QS5:7E5405** WCS6:7E5406** QS6:7E5407** WCS7:7E5408** QS7:7E5409** Unit 8's Weapons: WCS1:7E543D** QS1:7E543E** WCS2:7E543F** QS2:7E5440** WCS3:7E5441** QS3:7E5442** WSC4:7E5443** QS4:7E5444** WCS5:7E5445** QS5:7E5446** WCS6:7E5447** QS6:7E5448** WSC7:7E5449** QS7:7E544A** Use this item list to fill in the Weapon Change Value.In the game there are 167 items in the whole game. 00 Invalid Sword 01 Same As 00 02 Long Sword D 03 Gin No Ken B 04 Small Sword E 05 Silver Sword C 06 Hero Sword C 07 Poison Sword E 08 Berserk Sword A 09 Sleep Sword A 10 Charisma Sword C 11 Rizaia Sword * 12 Wind Sword B 13 Fire Sword B 14 Thunder Sword B 15 Elite Sword E 16 Armor Cut Sword B 17 Rapier C 18 Short Sword E 19 Hagane No Ken D 20 Hagane no Yari D 21 Silver Spear B 22 Hasomi no Yari E 23 Poison Spear E 24 Dragon Spear * 25 Invalid Spear 26 Hero Spear * Only Finn Can use this 27 Short Spear E 28 Long Spear D 29 Great Spear C 30 Broken Spear 31 Tetsu no Ono E 32 Poison Axe E 33 Hagane no Ono D 34 Silver Axe B 35 Hand Axe D 36 Armor Axe C 37 Killer Axe C 38 Puche * Only Oushin can use this 39 Hero Axe D 40 Hagane no Yumi D 41 Silver Bow B 42 Poison Bow E 43 Killer Bow B 44 Hero Bow B 45 Short Bow E 46 Long Bow D 47 Great Bow C 48 Master Bow A 49 Long Arch * 50 Fire A (Its Screwed up for some reason...) 51 Fala * 52 Thunder E 53 Daim Thunder * 54 Torron A 55 Tordo * 56 Wind D 57 Excalibur * Only Asvel Can Use This 58 Tornado A 59 Ice * 60 Hell * 61 Meteor A 62 Thunder Storm A 63 Blizard A 64 Poison A 65 Stone A 66 Holsety * Sety Can Only Use This 67 Broken Axe 68 Live E 69 Relive D 70 Silence B 71 Sleep C 72 Torch D 73 Rewarp A 74 The Repair Staff * Saphy Can Only Use This 75 Thief * 76 Rod C 77 Berserk Staff A 78 Unlock * 79 Libro Staff C 80 Magic Ring 81 Power Ring 82 Body Ring 83 Shield Ring 84 Skill Ring 85 Weird Ring 86 A Weird Item 87 Knight's Proof? 88 Treasure Key 89 Door Key 90 Antidote Bag 91 Member Card 92 A Green Sword Scroll 93 Weird Scroll 94 Sword Scroll? 95 A Trident Like Scroll 96 A Weird Scroll 97 Axe Scroll 98 Bow Scroll? 99 Wrath Scroll 0A Power Sword * 0B Knight Sword * 0C Magic Sword * 0D Prayer Sword * 0E Light Sword (Leif's Sword) 0F Hero Sword B 1A Great Sword B 1B Master Sword A 1C Awareness Sword * 1D Mareeta Sword * 1E Broken Sword E 1F Tetsu no Yari E 2A Javelin D 2B Master Spear/Lance A 2C Knight Killer B 2D Killer Spear B 2E Light Javelin B 2F Power Spear B 3A Devil Axe E 3B Battle Axe B 3C Pole Axe C 3D Master Axe B 3E Broken Axe E 3F Tetsu no Yumi E 4A Long Arch * 4B Iron Arch * 4C Poison Arch * 4D Broken Bow E 4E Fire Book E 4F Elfire C 5A Lighting E 5B Rizaia B 5C Light Book A (Screwed) 5D Yotsumungand C 5E Fenrir A 5F Death * 6A Recover C 6B Rest C 6C Reserve B 6D Rescue B 6E Warp A 6F Sleep Staff C 7A Rewarp A 7B The Repair Staff (Only Saphy can use this) 7C Broken Rod 7D Luck Ring 7E Life Ring 7F Speed Ring 8A A Green Key 8B Thieve's Key 8C A Yellow Bag 8D A Healing Bag 8E Weird Item 8F A Torch 9A A Fire Scroll? 9B A Wind Scroll 9C Weird Scroll 9D A Cross Holy Like Scroll 9E A Blue Book Looks Like a Wind Book 9F A Red and Blue Book A0 The Duel Manual A1 A Yellow with a Blue line Book A2 Wrath Manual A3 Weird Manual A4 A Book with a Star in the Middle A5 Alertness Manual A6 Sun Hit Manual A7 Moon Light Hit Manual A8 Invalid Key A9 Crashes the Game B1 Invalid Axe B2 Invalid Axe Scroll B3 Invalid Sword B4 Invalid Bow Scroll B5 Crashes The Game B6 Invalid Thunder Scroll B7 Invalid Sword B8 Invalid Sword B9 Crashes the Game C0 Invalid Sword C1 Invalid Light Book C2 Invalid Ring C3 Crashes the Game C4 Invalid Ring C5 Invalid Scroll C6 Invalid Ring C7 Weird Music Box C8 Invalid Ring C9 Invalid Sword D0 Invalid Ring D1 Invalid Sword D2 Invalid Sword D3 Whoa!Weird.. D4 What The!? D5 Screwed D6 Invalid Ring D7 Invalid Light Book D8 Invalid Ring D9 A Sound Box E0 Weird.. E1 A Moonlight Box E2 Invalid Ring E3 Invalid Sword E4 Crashes The Game E5 Invalid Scroll E6 Screwed E7 Invalid Rod E8 Invalid Sword E9 Invalid Bow F0 Invalid Ring F1 Crashes The Game F2 Weird F3 Invalid Holsety F4 Invalid Ring F5 Invalid Sword F6 Crashes The Game F7 Blue Bag F8 Invalid Ring F9 Invalid Rod AA Invalid Skill AB Weird AC Weird AD Crashes Game AE Invalid Sword AF Invalid Scroll BA Crashes Game BB Weird BC Weird BD Chirsma Skill BE Crashes Game BF Weird CA Invalid Ring CB Crashes Game CC Invalid Ring CD Crashes Game CE Invalid Ring CF Invalid Light Book DA Invalid Bag DB Invalid Bow DC Invalid Ring DD Invalid Bag DE Invalid Sword DF Invalid Scroll EA Invalid Ring EB Invalid Item EC Weird ED Invalid Rod EE Invalid Ring EF Weird Box FA Crashes Game FB Invalid Light Book FC Crashes Game FD Invalid Key FE Crashes Game FF Invalid Bag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.Stats Unit 1: STRENGTH:7E52A3** MAGIC:7E52A4** SKILL:7E52A5** SPEED:7E52A6** LUCK:7E52A8** BODY:7E52A9** DEFENSE:7E52A7** Unit 2: STRENGTH:7E52E4** MAGIC:7E52E5** SKILL:7E52E6** SPEED:7E52E7** DEFENSE:7E52E8** LUCK:7E52E9** BODY:7E52EA** Unit 3: STRENGTH:7E5325** MAGIC:7E5326** SKILL:7E5327** SPEED:7E5328** DEFENSE:7E5329** LUCK:7E532A** BODY:7E532B** Unit 4: STRENGTH:7E546A** MAGIC:7E546B** SKILL:7E546C** SPEED:7E546D** DEFENSE:7E546E** LUCK:7E546F** BODY:7E5470** Unit 5: STRENGTH:7E53E9** MAGIC:7E53EA** SKILL:7E53EB** SPEED:7E53EC** DEFENSE:7E53ED** LUCK:7E53EE** BODY:7E53EF** Unit 6: STRENGTH:7E5366** MAGIC:7E5367** SKILL:7E5368** SPEED:7E5369** DEFENSE:7E536A** LUCK:7E536B** BODY:7E536C** Unit 7: STRENGTH:7E53A7** MAGIC:7E53A8** SKILL:7E53A9** SPEED:7E53B0** DEFENSE:7E53B1** LUCK:7E53B2** BODY:7E53B3** Unit 8: STRENGTH:7E5429** MAGIC:7E542A** SKILL:7E542B** SPEED:7E542C** DEFENSE:7E542D** LUCK:7E542E** BODY:7E542F** These are the character's I have so far so if I meet more I will put them up here with their STAT codes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Level of Weapon These codes ONLY edit the weapons you can use only so like if Leaf is a prince you can't level up his rod weapon skill because he doesn't use rods. The value for each letter grade are: 00-31=E 32-63=D 64-95=C 96-C7=B C8-FF=A The * Symbol Next to the weapon is their default weapon type(s).Like Leaf (Unit 1) uses a sword so theres a * before sword likr this *SWORD:7E52C5** Leif: *SWORD:7E52C5** SPEAR:7E52C6** AXE:7E52C7** BOW:7E52C8** ROD:7E52C9** FIRE:7E52CA** THUNDER:7E52CB** WIND:7E52CC** LIGHT:7E52CD** DARK:7E52CE** (Unit 1) Finn: *SWORD:7E5306** *SPEAR:7E5307** AXE:7E5308** BOW:7E5309** ROD:7E530A** FIRE:7E530B** THUNDER:7E530C** WIND:7E530D** LIGHT:7E530E** DARK:7E530F** (Unit 2) Evele: *SWORD:7E5347** SPEAR:7E5348** AXE:7E5349** BOW:7E534A** ROD:7E534B** FIRE:7E534C** THUNDER:7E534D** WIND:7E534E** LIGHT:7E534F** DARK:7E5350** (Unit 3) Tania: SWORD:7E548C** SPEAR:7E548D** AXE:7E548E** *BOW:7E548F** ROD:7E5483** FIRE:7E5484** THUNDER:7E5485** WIND:7E5486** LIGHT:7E5487** DARK:7E5488** (Unit 4) Marty: SWORD:7E540A** SPEAR:7E540B** *AXE:7E540C** BOW:7E540D** ROD:7E540E** FIRE:7E540F** THUNDER:7E540A** WIND:7E540B** LIGHT:7E540C** DARK:7E540D** (Unit 5) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Skill Skill Set 19 00:Normal 01:Dance Skill 02:Steal Skill 03:Dance and Steal Skill 04:Some Grid Skill 05:Dance and Grid Skill 06:Grid and Steal Skill 07:Adds Grid,Steal,and Dance Skill 08:Counterfeit Skill 09:Dance and Counterfeit Skill 0A:Steal and Counterfeit Skill 0B:Dance,Steal,and Counterfeit Skill 0C:Grid and Counterfeit Skill 0D:Dance,Grid,Counterfeit Skill 0E:Steal,Counterfeit,and Grid Skill 0F:Dance,Steal,Grid,and Counterfeit Skill Skill Set 21 00:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit Skill 01:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,and Wrath Skill 02:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,and Shooting Star Hit Skill 03:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Wrath,and Shooting Star Hit Skill 04:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,and Moonlight Hit Skill 05:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Wrath,and Moonlight Hit Skill 06:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Moonlight Hit,and Shooting Star Hit Skill 07:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Wrath,Moonlight Hit,and Shooting Star Hit Skill 08:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,and Sun Hit Skill 09:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Wrath,and Sun Hit Skill 0A:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Shooting Star Hit,and Sun Hit Skill 0B:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Shooting Star Hit,Wrath,and Sun Hit Skill 0C:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Moonlight Hit,and Sun Hit Skill 0D:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Wrath,Moonlight Hit,and Sun Hit Skill 0E:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Moonlight Hit,Shooting Star Hit,and Sun Hit Skill 0F:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Moonlight Hit,Shooting Star Hit,Wrath,and Sun Hit Skill B0:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Elite Skill B1:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Elite,and Wrath Skill B2:Steal,Grid,Counterfeit,Elite,and Shooting Star Hit Skill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.Enemy Conversion List These Codes are for Pro Action Play Codes only.The Codes go by 0123456789ABCDEF and not 0123456789.So If you want to find such codes as "0A" you will have to look right after 99.The Letters next the the code is The Type of Weapon it is. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Enemy Codes The Enemy Code for each is enemy is somewhere between 7E6***** to 7E700000. The ** Represents an item code to put in it In The First Chapter... The Code for The Enemies Are: 7E60AE** -Its Edits The Spearman near the Middle. 7E5364** -dunno which enemy it edits 7E6020** -same as above 7E6235** -SAME AS ABOVE 7E606E** -SAME AS ABOVE... Note:These.But when I find more I will give their codes.If you find any enemy item editing code please E-Mail ME at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.The Items Use this item list to fill in the Enemy Item Value. 00 Invalid Sword 01 Same As 00 02 Long Sword D 03 Gin No Ken B 04 Small Sword E 05 Silver Sword C 06 Hero Sword C 07 Poison Sword E 08 Berserk Sword A 09 Sleep Sword A 10 Charisma Sword C 11 Rizaia Sword * 12 Wind Sword B 13 Fire Sword B 14 Thunder Sword B 15 Elite Sword E 16 Armor Cut Sword B 17 Rapier C 18 Short Sword E 19 Hagane No Ken D 20 Hagane no Yari D 21 Silver Spear B 22 Hasomi no Yari E 23 Poison Spear E 24 Dragon Spear * 25 Invalid Spear 26 Hero Spear * Only Finn Can use this 27 Short Spear E 28 Long Spear D 29 Great Spear C 30 Broken Spear 31 Tetsu no Ono E 32 Poison Axe E 33 Hagane no Ono D 34 Silver Axe B 35 Hand Axe D 36 Armor Axe C 37 Killer Axe C 38 Puche * Only Oushin can use this 39 Hero Axe D 40 Hagane no Yumi D 41 Silver Bow B 42 Poison Bow E 43 Killer Bow B 44 Hero Bow B 45 Short Bow E 46 Long Bow D 47 Great Bow C 48 Master Bow A 49 Long Arch * 50 Fire A (Its Screwed up for some reason...) 51 Fala * 52 Thunder E 53 Daim Thunder * 54 Torron A 55 Tordo * 56 Wind D 57 Excalibur * Only Asvel Can Use This 58 Tornado A 59 Ice * 60 Hell * 61 Meteor A 62 Thunder Storm A 63 Blizard A 64 Poison A 65 Stone A 66 Holsety * Sety Can Only Use This 67 Broken Axe 68 Live E 69 Relive D 70 Silence B 71 Sleep C 72 Torch D 73 Rewarp A 74 The Repair Staff * Saphy Can Only Use This 75 Thief * 76 Rod C 77 Berserk Staff A 78 Unlock * 79 Libro Staff C 80 Magic Ring 81 Power Ring 82 Body Ring 83 Shield Ring 84 Skill Ring 85 Weird Ring 86 A Weird Item 87 Knight's Proof? 88 Treasure Key 89 Door Key 90 Antidote Bag 91 Member Card 92 Baldo Scroll 93 Weird Scroll 94 Hezul Scroll? 95 A Trident Like Scroll 96 A Weird Scroll 97 Neir Scroll 98 Ulir Scroll? 99 Tordo Scroll 0A Power Sword * 0B Knight Sword * 0C Magic Sword * 0D Prayer Sword * 0E Light Sword (Leif's Sword) 0F Hero Sword B 1A Great Sword B 1B Master Sword A 1C Awareness Sword * 1D Mareeta Sword * 1E Broken Sword E 1F Tetsu no Yari E 2A Javelin D 2B Master Spear/Lance A 2C Knight Killer B 2D Killer Spear B 2E Light Javelin B 2F Power Spear B 3A Devil Axe E 3B Battle Axe B 3C Pole Axe C 3D Master Axe B 3E Broken Axe E 3F Tetsu no Yumi E 4A Long Arch * 4B Iron Arch * 4C Poison Arch * 4D Broken Bow E 4E Fire Book E 4F Elfire C 5A Lighting E 5B Rizaia B 5C Light Book A (Screwed) 5D Yotsumungand C 5E Fenrir A 5F Death * 6A Recover C 6B Rest C 6C Reserve B 6D Rescue B 6E Warp A 6F Sleep Staff C 7A Rewarp A 7B The Repair Staff (Only Saphy can use this) 7C Broken Rod 7D Luck Ring 7E Life Ring 7F Speed Ring 8A Bridge Key 8B Thieve's Key 8C Stamia Bag 8D Healing Bag 8E Weird Item 8F Torch 9A Fala Scroll 9B Holsety Scroll 9C Weird Scroll 9D A Cross Holy Like Scroll 9E A Blue Book Looks Like a Wind Book 9F A Red and Blue Book A0 The Duel Manual A1 A Yellow with a Blue line Book A2 Wrath Manual A3 Weird Manual A4 A Book with a Star in the Middle A5 Alertness Manual A6 Sun Hit Manual A7 Moon Light Hit Manual WARNING:BEYOND THIS SPOT IS USELESS ITEMS OR ITEMS THAT CAUSE CRASHES AND OTHER EFFECTS A8 Invalid Key A9 Crashes the Game B1 Invalid Axe B2 Invalid Axe Scroll B3 Invalid Sword B4 Invalid Bow Scroll B5 Crashes The Game B6 Invalid Thunder Scroll B7 Invalid Sword B8 Invalid Sword B9 Crashes the Game C0 Invalid Sword C1 Invalid Light Book C2 Invalid Ring C3 Crashes the Game C4 Invalid Ring C5 Invalid Scroll C6 Invalid Ring C7 Weird Music Box C8 Invalid Ring C9 Invalid Sword D0 Invalid Ring D1 Invalid Sword D2 Invalid Sword D3 Whoa!Weird.. D4 What The!? D5 Screwed D6 Invalid Ring D7 Invalid Light Book D8 Invalid Ring D9 A Sound Box E0 Weird.. E1 A Moonlight Box E2 Invalid Ring E3 Invalid Sword E4 Crashes The Game E5 Invalid Scroll E6 Screwed E7 Invalid Rod E8 Invalid Sword E9 Invalid Bow F0 Invalid Ring F1 Crashes The Game F2 Weird F3 Invalid Holsety F4 Invalid Ring F5 Invalid Sword F6 Crashes The Game F7 Blue Bag F8 Invalid Ring F9 Invalid Rod AA Invalid Skill AB Weird AC Weird AD Crashes Game AE Invalid Sword AF Invalid Scroll BA Crashes Game BB Weird BC Weird BD Chirsma Skill BE Crashes Game BF Weird CA Invalid Ring CB Crashes Game CC Invalid Ring CD Crashes Game CE Invalid Ring CF Invalid Light Book DA Invalid Bag DB Invalid Bow DC Invalid Ring DD Invalid Bag DE Invalid Sword DF Invalid Scroll EA Invalid Ring EB Invalid Item EC Weird ED Invalid Rod EE Invalid Ring EF Weird Box FA Crashes Game FB Invalid Light Book FC Crashes Game FD Invalid Key FE Crashes Game FF Invalid Bag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.Enemy Stats Ok every enemy in the game has a different code...But I know some codes..There are about over 300 enemies in the game... :( Chapter 1 7E60AE** 7E6020** 7E6235** 7E606E** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------